23 October 2007

Peformed Listening: H

As I've mentioned before, I like to make videos where there's a relationship between the song I'm shown listening to and the appearance of the video itself. I call this series of videos & performances Performed Listening. In this newest installment, I'm listening to the Velvet Underground's song, Heroin. I made this at the Experimental Television Center, using Dave Jones's analog "colorizer."

21 October 2007


The months are racing by and I've become very bad about blogging. I do tend to post a few more notes about my activities here, but I'll try to blog more frequently. I've been traveling a lot and working on lots of projects, so there's much more to come.

Meanwhile, please save the date of Friday, November 9th, if you're in town. I'll have an installation at MTAA's OTO series, in their Williamsburg studio. Stay tuned for updated details... Should be fun!

I'm also in a show opening 11/22 at Vertex List gallery, in Brooklyn. It's called "B I T M A P, as good as new" and is a part of the 2007 Blip Festival. I am really fond of the list of artists, which includes: Chris Ashley, Mike Beradino, Mauro Ceolin, Petra Cortright, Paul Davis, DELAWARE, Notendo (Jeff Donaldson), Eteam, Dragan Espenschied, Kimberly Hart, Daniel Iglesia, JODI, Olia Lialina, LoVid, Kristin Lucas, David Mauro, Jillian Mcdonald, Tom Moody, Aron Namenwirth, Mark Napier, Nullsleep, Marisa Olson, Will Papenheimer, Prize Budget for Boys, Jim Punk, Akiko Sakaizumi, Paul Slocum and Eddo Stern.

More soon on this and other upcoming shows and performances...

Update: I struck the reference to MSAL for those who were here earlier. That project's going to take more time and more resources, but will certainly happen someday.... Ok, no more pre-announcing...