09 December 2007

We Interrupt Your Program at Mills College Art Museum

Heyhey. Happy December. I'm trying to move into cruise control for some things so I can step-up my work on other things. I just sent off my installation for the show above, at the Mills College Art Museum, and I'm pretty excited about the show (I love these artists and Marcia Tanner is a legendary curator whom I've long admired), so I'm posting now and I'll be back in January with more news. Meanwhile, at Mills I'm premiering a video called Golden Oldies, which will be shown with one of my headphone installations. I posted an excerpt here and below is the 'official' description from my website. I want to say thanks to my assistant, Thomas Galloway, who helped me out on the sound design for this piece.

In this performance taped during a residency at the Experimental Television Center, I attempted to instigate communication between a CD boombox, child’s record player, and various defunct media: vinyl records, VHS tapes, cassette tapes, and CDs. Like the garbage that piles up as we upgrade our phones and computers, the detritus accumulated in these efforts gets blindly swept aside in this ultimately fruitless effort.


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