06 November 2005

I'm So Busy!!!

I just had to say that. In the last year or so, I've really been working on correcting my tendency to overcommit, but the truth is that it's hard for me to say no to fun projects and in a bizarre way I thrive on being knee-deep in many projects at once. But right now I'm more like hip-deep... I'm working on all the usual stuff (which is to say a lot) plus amping-up planning for Rhizome's 10th anniversary, some big writing projects, and various ISEA06 activities. This weekend I'm jurying some of the submissions to the Community Domain call. My lips are sealed as to which ones I'm looking at or how I'm ranking them, but there are lots of interesting submissions. Doing things like that reminds me what a luxury my job is. I can't believe I make a "living" looking at, thinking about, and talking to cool people about art!


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