06 February 2006


Today is an exciting day! 893 has posted some awesome giffords (see above & below) and an mp3 on his blog that remix some images and vocal recordings of moi... Backing up, I sang the text of one of his blog posts about his concern for Michael McDonald, for Abe & Mo Sing the Blogs. He wrote to me and said that he felt that my singing might contain secret clues about the whereabouts of Mr. McDonald. He asked if he could break it down (a process requiring major major scientific skillz uniquely possessed by 893) to look for the clues and he seems to have found one! Check out his post and the awesome 'Yodel Counter Yodel Null Yodel' remix!

Lemme also take this moment to say that being remixed is the greatest, most flattering, exciting, radically awesome honor. In the season after I auditioned for American Idol, a few people started keeping training blogs which they said were inspired by mine--and it really inspired me!

Remixing and sampling should never be illegal! It's how we make sense of things for ourselves, how we find our place in a media saturated culture, how we pay homage, how we participate in the politically important process of parody, and how we evolve. In the tightly regulated words of that tennis shoe company, just do it! :)

Along the same lines, I wanted to point you to two nice videos that sample material from my two recent blog projects with Abe Linkoln. Michael Szpakowski sampled my King Winkles mp3, from AMSTB, in his video, The March Shout Outs.

Also, in a very lovely piece called Flamenco Jellyfish Dream, Curt Cloninger samples images from Universal Acid.

Major big time thank-you's to these artists!


Blogger ash said...

hear hear! right on about the remixing, mo!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

on the planet girl you go for a whirl


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