09 February 2006

Shout Out: Jon Rolston

I recently/finally went to see Walk the Line, in which Joaquin Phoenix plays Johnny Cash. It made me lose a lotta sleep. This was partly just because I was up thinking about lyrics and writing songs, but also because the movie made me miss my old band, White Stool. (Yeah, no one liked the name but us!) It really didn't help that Joaquin Phoenix reminds me of my bandmate, Jon Rolston.

Even though we all wear many hats, these days, most people's hats are clearly labelled. Not Jon's. He's his own special breed of writer, anthropologist, musician, and lotsa weird stuff in between. Basically, he rocks in hard-to-describe ways. The movie most made me miss him when June Carter & Johnny Cash sang their duet, Ring of Fire. It reminded me of the time Jon & I turned Hank Williams's Setting the Woods on Fire into a duet, for our last concert, at New Langton Arts, depicted here:

That is probably the most fun I ever had on stage... Anyway, these days Jon & our other bandmate, Marc Horowitz, are down in LA becoming TV stars, and I'm travelling too much. But I miss making music.

I think I'd like to collaborate on some duets and backup singing projects, via the internet. Anyone out there interested?


Blogger Videos by Professor Howdy said...


If I could speak in any
language in heaven or
on earth but didn't love
others, I would only be
making meaningless noise
like a loud gong or a
clanging cymbal. If I
had the gift of prophecy,
and if I knew all the
mysteries of the future
and knew everything
about everything, but
didn't love others, what
good would I be? And
if I had the gift of faith
so that I could speak
to a mountain and make
it move, without love
I would be no good to
anybody. If I gave
everything I have to
the poor and even
sacrificed my body,
I could boast about it;
but if I didn't love others,
I would be of no value
whatsoever. Love is
patient and kind. Love
is not jealous or boastful
or proud or rude. Love
does not demand its
own way. Love is not
irritable, and it keeps
no record of when it
has been wronged.
It is never glad about
injustice but rejoices
whenever the truth
wins out. Love never
gives up, never loses
faith, is always hopeful,
and endures through
every circumstance.

May You Always
Experience This
Kind Of Love,
Dr. Howdy

Blogger Marisa Olson said...

awesome! let's do it! and i luv your theme song. (tho the electro is surprising me... sorta... but sweet!) let's do that too! call me!

Blogger Mulligan said...

Marisa, Pete and I are mixing things up with audioblogger over on Lonelykaraoke.blogspot.com it might be something you could work with him on.

BTW. thanks for posting that animation I made for Marc about celeb. sightings.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't sing very well, but I BELIEVE.
And isn't that what is important.
Contact me if you are interested:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't sing very well. But I BELIEVE.
Contact me if interested: tubesocksdown@hotmail.com


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