02 November 2011

Like and Don't Like

In my hiatus from blogging, I neglected to post a ton of stuff. I'm in the process of overhauling my website, so the level of documentation there should step-up, but for now here's some info on a recent performance and a contest I'm co-jurying that might interest you.

This summer I performed in the awesome series, LIKE, curated by Gene McHugh, at VOGT Gallery. My night was the first in a string of sweaty summer spectacles and I really enjoyed sharing the bill with my buds Rick Silva and Jeremy Bailey.

In my case, I did a live version of my piece, Performed Listening: Boomerang.

I enjoyed it a lot and see myself doing similar live pieces in the future...

In other news, I am co-juror (with Geoff Cox and Constant Dullaart)of IACOSE's 2011 NoTube contest. The project humorously raises a lot of questions because the stated agenda is to find the most valueless video on YouTube. The criteria for submission of found videos is that there be:

1) No reason to make it
2) No reason to publish it
3) No reason to watch it

Site visitors then vote on the videos they like. BUT! The more "LIKES" or votes, the more perceived value, and the less likely the video is to make it to the final round... IOCOSE explains it all in this contest trailer:


Anonymous sewa mobil jakarta said...

Very nice, thanks for sharing.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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