Two Sound Things!

As mentioned in my previous post, I'm currently in residence at Free103Point9's beautiful Wave Farm center. I wanted to let you know I'll be doing an online radio show with them, on the 4th of July, and and a live performance on July 7. Details below...
July 4, 2007 : 2pm - 3pm
free103point9 online radio
Presented in the spirit of George Carlin, who said there was nothing more American than "getting drunk and blowing shit up," here's a playlist of contemporary protest songs for your holiday party! Celebrate the freedom to speak, dance, and burn things--whether it's flags, [veggie] burgers, bottlerockets, or CDRs!
July 7, 2007 : 3pm - 9pm
Wave Far, Acra, NY
This outdoors variation of free103point9's Tune(In))) event features artists playing directly into five FM transmitters at free103point9's Wave Farm. No sound is amplified. Attendees tune in with radio headphones (provided) as they explore 30 acres of meadows, forests, and ponds.
A bunch of fun artists are participating. Here's a description of what I'm doing:
Marisa Olson will transmit her voice directly from her headphones to yours, in Mono A Mono, a single channel stream of songs "all about
*Special thanks to ECC and Rick Silva for fresh 7/4 kicks.
that was great!!!
what are the hours for TUNE(OUT)))SIDE 2007?
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