on archives, or just a random roundup
I somehow have five shows happening in March, so between now and then, I may not make too many posts. (Though you should definitely stay tuned for notes on Unmonumental!) But just a few random notes... Rachel Wolff kindly included me in her New York Magazine List of the Top 5 Art Videos online. You can click-through to all the videos from that link.
I'm trying to be more on the ball about archiving my own work. I just put up a bunch of scans of my Monitor Tracings drawings. (Shout out to my new studio assistant, Thomas Galloway, for doing the glam work of scanning these!)
Lastly, I just got back from Berlin, where I spoke at the Re:place conference about the relationship between artists, archivists, and communities, as it is effected by the evolution of technology. Consider this a placeholder--I'll come back and link-up the audio of the talk once they get it online. Meanwhile, thanks to the Boltzman Institute for bringing me out and the VVORK kids, the AIDS-3D kids, and all the other nice people who showed me a good time!